Presented by GRAND


Review Process

Duties of the Area Chairs (ACs)

  1. Review of between four (4) and seven (7) GRAND student Research Notes submissions (four (4) pages each)
  2. Find a minimum of three (3) other students (drawn from the PCS online submission system) to review each of these submissions. GRAND students who have submitted Research Notes papers or posters will be expected to review up to three (3) submissions. Reviewers will be asked to provide feedback on the work and on the writing.
  3. Ensure those students whom they have selected to review papers submit reviews on time (i.e., send out reminder notices)
  4. Write a meta review for each paper they have been assigned
  5. Participate in a discussion (likely via email) regarding final decisions on who will present at the GRAND Research Notes session

Duty of the Reviewer

Review of up to three (3) GRAND student Research Notes submissions (four (4) pages each) by February 21st, as assigned by the ACs

Details about the Research Notes Reviewing Process

  1. Research Notes reviews will be double-blind
  2. The ACs will ensure that reviewers are not affiliated by project with those papers they are reviewing and are not reviewing their own papers
  3. Reviewers who have inadvertently received their own or a colleague's paper will be asked to notify the AC
  4. The criteria for selecting papers will be based on the scoring system, but the final decision will be made by the Research Notes Program Committee

Travel and Accommodation Subsidy Policy

Area Chairs will be entitled to a hotel accommodation subsidy. This is not transferable. Hotel rooms will be provided for four (4) nights for each qualifying student and postdoc, based on double occupancy (i.e., two (2) selected students / postdocs per room). Although rooms will be assigned, there will be an opportunity for roommate selection through the GRAND Forum.

For more information, please review the GRAND 2014 Travel and Accommodation Subsidies Policy.

Research Notes Program Co-chairs

Roberto Calderon, Kathrin Inglis and Mohamad Salimian.

Email Address

For more information on Research Notes, please visit:
Research Notes (RNotes Call for Participation)
Submission Writing Guidelines
Reviewer Guidelines