Presented by GRAND


Poster & Demo Session

Dates and Deadlines

February 7 GRAND Experiences submission deadline
March 7 Notification of accepted GRAND Experiences
March 11 Poster and Demo submission deadline
March 14 Complete list of submissions sent to Project Leaders
March 19 Project Leaders submit list of selected poster and demos to GRAND Central
March 19 Project Leaders submit list of travel support recipients to GRAND Central
May 2 Posters uploaded to PCS by contact authors  

The purpose of the Posters and Demos is to give an informal view of some of the research underway in each project. Posters are not overviews of an entire project. They are snapshots of just a particular aspect of a project.

GRAND Experiences are new for 2014! They move beyond traditional demonstrations to providing attendees with the opportunity to interact and engage with some aspect of a project, such as an emerging technology, inspirational design artifact, or thought-provoking art installation.

Posters, demos, and GRAND Experiences are not formally reviewed and thus do not preclude subsequent publication in the peer-reviewed literature.

Submissions can highlight any aspect of a project. The key requirement is that they should provide some insight into one or more research questions relevant to the project, the methodology appropriate to answering those questions, progress to date, or the plans in place to find answers. Some may focus on the value of the research to the receptor community, while others may look more closely at the research itself.

GRAND Experiences presenters will receive an approximately 10’x10’ physical space and access to extra power outlets, in addition to the standard poster board and table setup offered to demos. Submissions should justify and describe how these amenities will be used to provide attendees with an enhanced interactive experience.

Please note that projects are responsible for shipping and/or rental expenses for equipment for demos and GRAND Experiences. These expenses will not be reimbursed by GRAND Central. 


Submission Process

Each Phase One project will be offered space for three (3) presentations, to be submitted to the PCS online submission system. Each project will also be given the opportunity to submit additional posters, with acceptance of any such additional posters subject to demand and availability of space. One poster per project can be accompanied by a demo.

As only a small number of GRAND Experiences can be accommodated, these submissions will be handled prior to the standard poster and demo process. Notifications for GRAND Experiences will be announced prior to the submission deadline for posters and demos.

NOTE: It is expected that the majority of presentations (Posters and Demos / GRAND Experiences) will be associated with Phase One projects; however, presentations from Phase Two projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis where the work presented is outside the scope of any Phase One project. 

For Students and Postdocs

Each presentation will be led by a student or postdoc who is a member of the project team. The submission should be initiated by this author; that individual will serve as the contact author.

Please note: All students or postdocs submitting a poster, demo, or GRAND Experience need to also register as a reviewer in the online reviewing system (follow the "reviewing preference link", and indicate your "areas of expertise"). Each submitter will be expected to provide feedback on up to 3 Research Notes submissions (see below for more on Research Notes).

Submission details
Submissions must include the following information: Title; abstract; author list; contact author information; and the project acronym. GRAND Experiences submissions must additionally include a letter of support from the project leader. As such, students and postdocs interested in applying should coordinate with their supervisors and project leaders early to ensure sufficient time for negotiating and preparing a letter of support.

Some posters may be accompanied by a demo. Please be sure to indicate whether a demo will accompany the poster by selecting “demo important”, “demo preferred” or “no demo” at time of submission. Conference organizers require this information so that the correct number of poster boards and tables (for demos) are ordered. The number of demos is limited. Each project is guaranteed space for one (1) demo, if requested.

For GRAND Experiences: The title, abstract, list of authors, project acronym, letter of support from project leader and brief descriptions of requirements and use of amenities must be submitted by the deadline of Friday February 7, using the conference PCS submission system.

For posters and demos: The title, abstract, list of authors, indication of demo preference, and the project acronym must be submitted by the deadline of Tuesday, March 11, using the conference PCS submission system.

To submit your Poster, Demo, and Grand Experience submission(s): PCS online submission system

PCS Upload details
Presenters will be asked to upload a copy of their poster to the PCS online submission system by Friday, May 2 or earlier.

Posters will be uploaded to PCS in PDF format. Files must be under 1MB with a resolution of 96dpi and the longest edge at 1150px. Poster presenters can resize their poster using the Image>Image Size option in Photoshop, Tools>Adjust Size option in Preview, or Image>Stretch/Skew option in Paint and Picasa. Posters will be transferred to the GRAND Forum for internal viewing by GRAND researchers and partners. Public access will not be made available. Please note: This is for internal viewing purposes only. Poster presenters are responsible for having posters printed, and printing costs will not be reimbursed by GRAND Central.

Poster Format
To allow for greater flexibility, you can print your poster at 3’ x 4’ in either portrait or landscape orientation.

Attendees will have a wide variety of backgrounds in GRAND. Please take that into account when you plan your poster. You are free to design the poster however you choose, but please respect the size guidelines and be sure to include the GRAND logo on your poster. GRAND logos posted here for your convenience.

For Project Leaders

March 14
Complete list of submissions sent to Project Leaders 
March 19
Project Leaders submit list of selected poster and demos to GRAND Central 
March 19
Project Leaders submit list of selected travel support recipients to GRAND               Central 

Each Phase One project within GRAND is expected to submit at least three (3) presentations (across the poster, demo, and GRAND Experience categories) featuring some aspect of the work underway within the project. Each Phase One project will be provided space for three (3) presentations.

GRAND Experiences: As accepted submissions will count towards the poster & demo quota, proposals must include a letter of support from a project leader. This letter need only indicate that the leader is aware of the submission and understands that if accepted, it will count against the quota. Printouts of emails are fine. Notifications of accepted GRAND Experiences will be sent out prior to the poster and demo deadline.

Posters and Demos: Project leaders will receive periodic updates of poster submissions from GRAND Central in the weeks leading up the deadline, and a complete list of submissions on Friday, March 14.

  • Which three (3) posters will fulfill the guaranteed poster slots
  • Which two (2) students or postdocs will receive travel support

Additional posters may be displayed, subject to availability of space. Poster submissions for a project in addition to the three selected may be ranked according to preference. Decisions regarding those additional posters to be displayed, if any, will be made by GRAND Central.

Travel & Accomodation Subsidy

Two (2) student or postdoc contact authors per Phase One project will qualify for travel and accommodation subsidies. Project leaders will determine which poster/demo/GRAND Experience presenters will receive a travel subsidy. Project leaders must contact Brie Chauncey at GRAND Central by Wednesday, March 19 to indicate which student or postdoc presenters will receive travel support.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to the cost of a return economy class airfare (or other means of long distance travel) from an individual’s home city for each qualifying student or postdoc. Exceptions will require prior written approval. Hotel rooms will be provided for up to four (4) nights for each qualifying student and postdoc, based on double occupancy (i.e., two (2) selected students / postdocs per room). Although rooms will be assigned, there will be an opportunity for roommate selection through the GRAND Forum. No other accommodation expenses will be reimbursed through GRAND Central.

For more information please see the GRAND 2014 Travel and Accommodation Subsidies Policy.

Venue and Time

The Poster and Demo session, including the new GRAND Experiences, will be held on Wednesday, May 14, 6-9pm. It will be located in the same space as the GRAND 2014 Opening Reception to allow for social interaction while viewing the posters and discussing GRAND research projects.

Set up will commence at 5:00pm. The Poster and Demo session will take place at the Westin Hotel Ottawa.

Contact Email Address

Poster and Demo Session Organizers

Poster Chair: Karyn Moffatt
HQP Associate: Daniele Nascimento