GRAND 2013 will take place May 14-16, 2013 in Toronto, ON
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Research Notes Submission Writing Guidelines 

Papers should follow the traditional technical writing method: "Tell them what you're going to tell, tell them, then tell them what you've told them."

More specifically:

- Describe concisely the motivation for your work.

- Clearly state the contribution of your work.

- Briefly review previous work related to your contribution, including the similarities and differences.

- Describe the methodology in sufficient detail so that a competent reader can reproduce your results.

- Discuss the results and mention any limitations.

- State the conclusions and provide directions for future work.

- After writing the paper, read it as if you were a reviewer. Do the results prove your claims? Do the theories withstand scrutiny? Is everything properly explained?

There will be differences between some paper types, such as literature surveys or theoretical contributions. Please consider the above recommendations as a guide only.

For more information on Research Notes, please visit:
GRAND 2013 Call for Participation
Review Process
Submission Writing Guidelines