Researchers Gather at Dalhousie to Discuss Measuring Influence on Social Media
Posted by GRAND NCE, October 22, 2012

Researchers Gather at Dalhousie to Discuss Measuring Influence on Social Media

The Social Media Lab at Dalhousie University, led by GRAND Researcher Anatoliy Gruzd, organized the first ever international Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media (#Influence12) at Dalhousie University on September 28-29, 2012. 

This event brought together experts in social media and online social networks from both the academic and business worlds to share ideas on how to study the impact of social media on our society, and specifically how to measure influence on social media. The event featured a keynote talk by Gilad Lotan, VP of Research & Development at Socialflow.com. The event attracted a capacity crowd of about 100 attendees from 10 different countries and 40+ different universities and organizations such as University of Oxford (UK), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), Ruppin Academic Center (Israel), Charles Sturt University (Australia), National Research University (Russia), University of Toronto (Canada), Stanford University (USA), Syracuse University (USA), and San Diego State University (USA). Some of the companies and non-academic organizations that were represented at this event included Socialflow, MITRE, PurpleForge, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, CommandN.tv, CGI, DeepMile Networks, Equal6. 

The event also featured talks and poster presentations by a number of GRAND researchers, including Barry Wellman (University of Toronto), Anabel Quan-Haase (University of Western Ontario), Mary Cavanagh (University of Ottawa), and GRAND HQP including Naureen Nizam (Dalhousie University), Kim Martin (University of Western Ontario), Gobaan Raveendran (University of Waterloo), Chang Lin (University of Toronto), and Yimin Chen (University of Western Ontario). 

To learn more about #influence12, watch CTV's Special Report, read the Storify of tweets and photos from the event and view the online program with links to full-text position papers.

Prepared by Philip Mai, Research & Communications Manager at the Social Media Lab.