Congratulations to Dr. Robert Woodbury on his new book Elements of Parametric Design.
Driven by new computer and digital fabrication tools, the architectural designs that are being built are pushing boundaries of form, customization and construction. Pushed by practices wanting and needing to produce novelty, computer-aided design systems are increasingly parametric - that is, they represent designs that change with their input data. Such systems give more control and capability to designers, but require much more comprehensive understanding if they are to be used effectively.
Mastering these ideas requires skill as designer, mathematician and computer scientist. This book teaches what new knowledge and skills designers need to master the parametric and how they can learn and use it. It demonstrates clearly how using patterns to think about and work with parametric modeling helps designers master the new complexity of the design systems.
Elements of Parametric Design is accompanied by a companion website.
Published by Routedge, Elements of Parametric Design, is available at bookstores across the country.