Conference theme: The Globalization of Japanese Pop Culture and its Origin - Examining the Role of the Nintendo Entertainment System
Interested in Japanese videogames and game culture? The 3rd International Conference on Japan Game Studies will be held at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, from May 21 to 23 2015.
Proposals in Japanese are most welcome! <日本語での発表要旨も受け付けます。>
This conference is organized as a collaboration between the Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies and the Prince Takamado Japan Centre at the University of Alberta. The conference is the fourth collaboratively organized event focusing broadly on Japanese game culture, education and industry. It aims to bring together a large range of researchers and creators from a broad range of different country to present and exchange their work.
2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in the United States of America. To commemorate the event and acknowledge its importance for video game culture, the conference will be themed around the console, its games and the culture they birthed. Therefore, we especially invite researchers and students to submit papers and demonstrations that will touch upon issues related to the NES.
We also invite a broad range of posters/demonstrations and papers dealing with game culture, education and games and the Japanese game industry from the perspectives of humanities, social sciences, business or education. We encourage poster/demonstration proposals if you want to show a game or an interactive project. The range of possible topics includes (but is not limited to):
Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words via email to <>, before January 31st, 2015. Figures, tables and references, which do not count towards the 500 words, may be included on a second page. The following information should be in the accompanying email message: Type of submission (poster/demonstration or paper), Title of submission, Name of author(s), Affiliation(s), Address(es), and Email address(es).
Notification of acceptance will be sent out by February 27th, 2014. Abstracts will be accepted in English or Japanese.
While the language of this conference will be English, Abstracts, Posters and PowerPoint slides will be translated into both languages and simultaneous translation will be available for those who can’t present in English.
For more information about the Replaying Japan 2015, visit the conference home page <> or write <>.
<日本語での ご質問、お問合せ、及び日本語の研究発表要旨の提出は <> にお願いします。>
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