Community Event
Event Details
IGIC 2013

The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society is pleased to announce the Fifth International Games Innovation Conference. Continuing the tradition that began in London 2009, to Hong Kong in 2010, to Orange, CA in 2011, to Rochester, NY in 2012, and now extending to Vancouver, Canada in 2013, the IEEE IGIC 2013 conference is a platform for disseminating innovative research & development work on game technologies, applying lessons learned, and developing new ideas through audience interaction. Participation from all sectors including academia, industry, and government is welcome.

The conference will take place at the Harbour Centre of Simon Fraser University in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada with the participation of Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Vancouver's Centre for Digital Media, Emily Carr University, and industry.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to:

Social: Multi-player Games  •Single Players Mobile & Console, Cloud & Networks

Beyond Entertainment: Games in Education, Health & at Work

Design, Development & Production   •   Interfaces   • User Experience