GRAND SponsoredGRAND Participants
Event Details
Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media

Call for Position Papers and Research-In-Progress Posters: Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media

Calling all GRAND HQP and NIs:

GRAND has an opportunity to send 3 doctoral students/postdocs and 1 junior faculty member to attend a 2-day Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media that will take place in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia on September 28-29, 2012, organized and hosted by the Social Media Lab at the School of Information Management, Dalhousie University.

HQP TRAVEL SUBSIDIES include a return economy class airfare from an individual’s home city and 3-night shared accommodation with another student in a local hotel. 

CNI/PNI TRAVEL SUBSIDIES include a return economy class airfare from an individual’s home city and 3-night accommodation in a local hotel. 

ABOUT THE EVENT: It is no secret that social media has become mainstream in recent years, and its adoption has skyrocketed. As a result of its growing popularity, users’ online contributions and membership in online social networks have exploded. With a multitude of voices all talking at once on social media, finding interesting and influential voices among the masses can be difficult. The objective of this 2-day event is to bring together experts in social media and online social networks from both the academic and business worlds, to share ideas on the best practices around how to study the impact of social media on our society, and specifically how to measure influence on social media. The workshop will provide researchers in this area an opportunity to present and debate their ideas, and provide graduate students with the opportunity to build academic and professional contacts, present their research, and learn about latest research in this area from a multidisciplinary perspective.

SCHEDULE: During the first day, the participants will present and conduct discussions based on their work in this area. Over the second day, the participants will be tasked to brainstorm and develop new metrics for studying and measuring influence and engagement on social media.


  • Submit a position paper (up to 1,000 words) or a “research-in-progress” poster abstract by *June 15, 2012* via the EasyChair website at  
  • On your submission, please indicate whether you are associated with the GRAND NCE and would like to be considered for a travel subsidy.
  • Further information on the workshop is available at:

For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Anatoliy Gruzd at